Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A friend at work…. Is that a necessity?

A recent employee experience at work survey done at my organisation was an eye-opener of sorts, especially the questions pertaining to camaraderie at work. I can’t be sure about the results but it did make me wonder about the friends that we make at work. After all we spend most of our day at work so isn’t it logical enough to connect and bond with peers?
A lot of survey results about life at work talks about the need to have at least one friend at work since it is supposed to make work more interesting. Some skeptics even reasoned out with me that if you love what you do, what is the need for a friend? After all you go to work to work and not to socialise. A valid point, I do agree but isn’t it true that all work and no play can make Jack a dull boy, dull and cynical to say the least.
Though there are certain jobs that demand you’re engaged throughout the day, a little diversion hurt no one. Be it going out for a smoke or for lunch, I’ve realised that being a loner can be tedious. I remember a time when my friend at work had to quit for personal reasons, leaving me clueless for a week. Even though I knew about it I was not prepared when it actually happened. Every time I wanted to do something I used to wonder if I should just go alone or join a group of people who looked at least remotely my type (you can picture ‘almost nerdy’ me feeling lost).
However my friend’s leaving had an advantage. I started talking to more people and didn’t focus my non-working time socialising with just one of my colleagues. Which I trust gave me a more combined perspective of events at work and also my work. When you have a few more people’s perceptions on some of your break-through ideas, it can help you gain firmer traction, since it lightens the environment.
This is my view since I sure have seen it work many a times, simplifying things tremendously. But forget about discussing work, isn’t it true that friends make work enjoyable just like the times when you survived through a boring lecture in college when you had friends to laugh away your boredom with?
Your current job should be your calling at least that is what it should be, so it shouldn’t be difficult to get immersed in it. But, you can’t deny the fact that a good hearty laugh can be a great way to distress when things are not going your way. And when you have friends at work who can take your mind off it for some time, I do believe it wouldn’t be difficult to get back to work rejuvenated.
After all when you know you have someone to keep you company, even a boring workday can seem bearable. I’m happy I have a big gang of friends at work. I definitely love what I do (
if you don’t, find a job you’d love) but there are times when nothing can be more relaxing than being surrounded by colleagues who’ve become friends.

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